Yolanda Bouffard

4/5 Associate Teacher

My Education and Teaching/Professional Background

I received my Bachelor of the Arts Degree, with a double major in Education & Spanish, from Pacific University Oregon. I have taught as a student teacher aide in 3rd and 4th grade multi-age classrooms, as well as with multi-age students in online learning environments. I have also instructed pre-k through 6th grade students in a variety of educational settings both during the school year and in Summer camps.

I am a Progressive Educator Because ...

I believe students thrive when they are given a clear voice and choices in their learning! It is incredible to see students develop in an environment that values their expression and independence. I also encourage students to challenge their thinking by asking critical questions about the world around them. It is always so inspiring to see how students tackle these questions and I love seeing the growth, acceptance and confidence that comes with new knowledge. As an educator, I deeply value relationships with students that are built on mutual respect and understanding. I aim to create an educational environment that helps students become engaged, empathetic and curious individuals who value themselves and others. Furthermore, I see education as a catalyst for societal change. I hope to help my students grow through this change-making process.

What I Love About Walden

I love Walden's commitment to stewardship, social justice, equity and diversity. I feel valued and respected at Walden, and I appreciate that the same respect is extended to our students, their families, and the greater community.

My Joy

I enjoy reading, baking and traveling! I love experiencing different cultures through forms of media, delicious food and visiting diverse communities.

Fun Fact About Me

I lived in Spain for 4 months during a college semester abroad. I love the Spanish language and culture and can't wait to return to my home away from home!

Activism Recommendation for Students and Families

I believe that a commitment to continued education and learning is one of the greatest forms of activism. There are so many resources to dive into! I personally recommend a book that deepened my perspective of social justice education: "Is Everyone Really Equal?" by Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo.